Healthcare BI

NLSQL allows users to extract information from databases using natural language sentences. In the context of clinical trials, NLSQL could be used to access and analyze data from patient records, treatment histories, or other relevant sources. This could help clinical researchers to quickly and easily extract the information they need to support their research and make informed decisions. For example, NLSQL could be used to ask questions about the effectiveness of different treatments, the side effects of different medications, or the demographic characteristics of different patient groups, and the answers to these questions could be used to support the design and analysis.


Do you support search suggestions like Google?

Yes, we support suggestions the same way as Google. End users can print or choose from a range of suggestions in case the Natural Language Interface is used as a web application.

Are you medical experts?

No we’re not, but our partners from the German Medical Research University are. Healthcare solutions should be built with mutual efforts from technical people and medical practitioners.